he was really friendly and we had a nice chat for about 1/2 hour...
he's like a photo enthusiast who used to trade machinery in SEA.
then he quit... took a break for a year, then decided to do something related to his hobby : photos. well.. its such a common hobby today....
well.. i'm sitting at home. today i woke up at 545am.
yes i think i actually have jet lag, though not a very serious case.
but anyway... yeah i saw an IB boy walking down the track and a couple of IB girls walking down the staircase... wonder what they're all doing in school... i really wish someone would come say hi to me sometime.
its schol holidays though.. yeah everyone seems to be having their own stuff on.
well thats okay! i've got errands to run and orientation camps to go for.....
but well... i hate assimiliating into new communities. can't it all stay the same. well at least i've heard that one of my friends know someone that is going to environmental science engineering so... well "yes! my course is actually quite popular" haha. they even have a chemical and environmental engineering society though i wonder why they do have it... like why not just environmental science and engineering society? and be nice and exclusive!
lets see.... whats up with life these days for me
i guess..... nthing much. yup! happy to take a break. Tai Vie has been doing a great job with the cell and will continue to do so. on another note. i have to return to JSS... well miss my kids.. hope they haven't forgotton about me! or about God for that matter. i was always scared that when i went on my trip. they just might stop coming.
okay.. need to pray more. and have all these fears erased...
missing people now.. i always wonder why like people can't just stick around.. u know like be my exclusive friend or something like that. possessive streak in me... totally.
anyway.. yes after an AWESOMEEEE (this is a very american word) time in San Diego (note that is where all my cousins are)... i don't know what to expect.
CSC club, Chemical and Engineering Society, VCF camp. these are e 3 that i wanna go for.
okay.. next question. So who's coming with me! not RUAN PLS! but beggars can't be choosers. so well.. ruan it'll be.(At this pt of time)
apparently i think i'll have a lack of companions in uni. once he finds some fresh open young hot blooded female.. well he's probably gonna leave me somewhere by the roadside.
= they say my path is a lonely path, so join me will ya? =