u plan-etary magic: January 2007

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Sunday, January 21, 2007

k.. a post.
waking up today has been nothing short of easy.
I've been a little bit too slack lately, and today, i realise how much work i have.
So its time to get into "focus on studies" mood....

Today, the topic of "i'm holier than you" just popped into my mind.
Its of course, something wrong. In essence, i mean the attitude that the statement brings.

After reading through my sociology text, my social work text, and my maths and MLE. I realised, its very hard to split your head into 2. Look into things from an "artistic" and "abstract" point of view, with the other half of your mind focused on facts, figures and formulas. Its so contradictory. i'm being torn apart. I always feel that one side is going to suffer at the expense of the other. I can't go brush up on my vocabulary simply because i don't have enough time to use new words that i learn; gasp i'm nowhere near, listen to the numerous "cheemology" terms others use. I have to practice all those formulas! *stress*

Anyway, Sociology has been nothing short of interesting. However, i'm not absorbing it very well. There's so much information, and you always wonder if you'll ever fit all of it inside that teeny-weeny little head of yours. Reminder : our brain capacities are limited. Social Work on the other hand, has been pretty much freeform, and the only things you really have to remember, are all the technicalities, the terms and all that. Lets not get to maths and the other sciences. Critical Thinking and writing has just been an english class where you feel the teacher is no better than you in the language, and its just a matter of perspective and opinion. Yet we must remind ourselves to remain humble. We are students after all.

Soon to be workers, but students for now. An engineering graduate who has a PHD in physics told me how he's shedding the tag of engineer. Its just too dangerous handling all kinds of sophisticated, dangerous, and highly toxic equipment and materials every single day. Can you just imagine the amount of chemicals you're going to breathe in every single second you're in the lab? Put your differential equations to work and figure that out? Its way too dangerous, and they're basically "paying you to kill you." Talk about sacrificial love. I quote, " Women have babies out of love and as a service to their country." Fallacious Analogies. Yet you see my point.
"A good engineer is a dead engineer!" (If you know where this comes from, yet i'm bounded legally to not say the other version) This is much more true. I'm not discouraging anyone to be an engineer. Its just a choice, so many people enter engineering as a profession because it pays well; me included. Why not choose God? He pays even better.

Today Prof Ernest Chew went over the 2 deaths 1 birth and 1 death 2 births comparison. Its cliched, its over-used. And then you remember. God pays you, not to die, but to live! Remove all inclinations of the prosperity gospel stepping onto your toes now, and look at it with an open-mindedness. Don't believe this because of what you get, but really because you do believe. There's just one answer and i don't have to tell you about it. I don't even have to show you it. Jesus shows himself to you, you just have to open your heart.

As I'll say to you, a muddled myriad of thoughts do not make a picture until they've been organised and pieced together like a puzzle. When the mosaic is complete, only can you make sense of what you've just thought and said. I'll continue to remove all the missing pieces from inside the box i keep in my bag (the word); and when its complete, this picture will speak much more to me, than i'll ever have the capacity to understand; yet all I need to know is God.

God is love.
i love you.

Friday, January 19, 2007

you know i'll stand with you, forever.

always holding your hand.
ready to catch you, should you ever fall...

i'll be your support.
i'll be there, with you.

and i'll definitely help you along in anyway i can,
yet i ask the same of you.
that you help me change too.
to be more like Christ.

Jesus gave up his life, so we might have ours.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

i miss my sdp754b.
Ford Focus, 5Dr HB, 1.6L

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v is for the very, very extraordinary.
Love was made for you and me
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haven't blogged for a while. shall give my blog readers something to see.
introducing... my dearest. =)
and me.
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Sunday, January 14, 2007

i'm confused by certain people.
*i'm disappointed.

they simply don't understand!

oh well =) i love you dear.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

the first title in a long time.


We draw lines in our lives, yet we must firmly be on God's side, and never standing on the line.
That we shall never let anyone question us, but always be a good testimony for God.
We shall set good examples for the younger ones to follow, and continue to teach them through being good disciples of the Lord.

Remember, always remember, to always focus on God.
He lives within us.
He is with us.

God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
The holy trinity.

I'll love you forever
only you.

Friday, January 12, 2007

my vocabulary is lacking!

but, Form is Temporary, Class is Forever.

then again,

Pain is Temporary, Quitting is Forever.

but i personally think.

Suffering is Temporary, Having Salvation is Forever.

*matt is looking to improve himself.

good is temporary, better is forever. =)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

i just feel like
everything i do is wrong....
i've got nothing to say already
hope tomorrow comes quicker.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

in.. "la cantina in venezia"
its a special place. God made special arrangements.
Every smallest detail... =)

The moon was wonderfully fibonacci -patterned, the waiter absolutely perfectly polite , the view - "just so nice", and the food - i never knew crab and crust could taste so good.
and sparkling, twinkling right in front of me; e main event.
in an uniquely, spritely, amazing manner. i could just watch, and just ignore all that.

Thank God for you... that as intricately as he carved out this world, he made all of us, to be special always, in his sight. and u, in mine. and me, in yours.

"the greatest gift is the gift of love"

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "i love you"
Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

Monday, January 01, 2007

"The old has gone, the new has come"

2006 has passed... =)
It has been a really happy year... Thank God.
My Resolutions for last year have been accomplished,
I'm "A little closer to God each day."
coupled with a little surprise... a little miracle...

My New Year Resolutions

To Love and To Cherish always. (God. You.)
To always remember how fortunate we are / how blessed we are to have everything we have.
To walk closer each and every single day. (God. You.)
To find a new ministry in church.
To grow more and be more involved in Campus Crusade.
To Share the Gospel more with my close friends, to bring them to know Christ.
To become more confident in Him.
To build on my relationships between me and my siblings.

i love you, always.
next year, and the year after... and so on....
it never ends.

w/ love, matt

*a small little note to say. many choices/decisions we make in our lives, but friendships should never change. because that trust should never be lost, and there's a reason behind every small thing that happens. that we'll always forgive each other for the mistakes made, yet cherish every moment that we've had. that's a true friend.