u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Monday, January 01, 2007

"The old has gone, the new has come"

2006 has passed... =)
It has been a really happy year... Thank God.
My Resolutions for last year have been accomplished,
I'm "A little closer to God each day."
coupled with a little surprise... a little miracle...

My New Year Resolutions

To Love and To Cherish always. (God. You.)
To always remember how fortunate we are / how blessed we are to have everything we have.
To walk closer each and every single day. (God. You.)
To find a new ministry in church.
To grow more and be more involved in Campus Crusade.
To Share the Gospel more with my close friends, to bring them to know Christ.
To become more confident in Him.
To build on my relationships between me and my siblings.

i love you, always.
next year, and the year after... and so on....
it never ends.

w/ love, matt

*a small little note to say. many choices/decisions we make in our lives, but friendships should never change. because that trust should never be lost, and there's a reason behind every small thing that happens. that we'll always forgive each other for the mistakes made, yet cherish every moment that we've had. that's a true friend.


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