u plan-etary magic: happy where u're at

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Saturday, March 04, 2006

happy where u're at

so the morale of the story is be happy where u at.
something i had to learn the hard way. but i finally understand it
while talking to calvin today.
not that he said anything that struck me so directly, but
how he told me about himself.

and anyway
i realised that there are people that really like me out there....
and its happy hearing things like that

anyway yeah.. it also all boils down to calvin as i was watching him today
and realised that here was a good model i could follow
whilst not the most famous/most outstanding guy i know in church
yet there's something about him that strikes me as being special.
being himself... staying, talking about and doing what pleases him and makes him happy.
its a real joy to watch.
tts what i did today!

deborah bought me a bear! in a chef's costume!
its been a long time since i've cooked...
yet i'm still remembered for that


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