u plan-etary magic: my car

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

my car

i just sent my car into the workshop...
hope its alright, no news from it yet...
wonder if its okay.. got a feeling there is a big problem which will cost quite a bit
oh well...
its important i keep my car safe.oh well it also gonna determine if i go home today or not.. as in home to the west or stay in e east....
nothing wrong with either..
anyway like today i had a really really good chat with one of my guy camp mates who decently treated me to lunch as well! =) yum, had pork spare ribs too....
haha.. really appreciate small things like that, and perhaps i feel, i'm making a good friend here....
though i din't expect it and we seem to be very different but we both seem to identify a lot with each other, or at least are willing to..
kinda a bright spark in each others' lives i think
haha.. anyway like december is here
going christmas shopping next wed with my camp friend.
=) like it makes things all cheery and all! and
i got new new shoes
really new, nicely, hand-designed shoes...
haha show on sunday!


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