u plan-etary magic: weddings

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Saturday, November 26, 2005


weddings are so nice, today's one was exceptional, it was so sweet
realised that i will have to sing to my girlfriend one day.. cos its so sweet
love is so sweet, it can be bitter, but it can't be salty or sour..
when its sweet, its nice....
well just thinking about today, had really meaningful conversations with june and sylvianne....
to me like friends mean so much more... esp friends that really mean someting
so many people come and many people go, and sometimes i get conned by that outward appearance, or duped by the way they treat me....
but like its e small things, that matter, the little things that show that they care...
the little love and joys that these certain people bring that means so much...
even as i ponder on the events of the day, i realise... how misled i've been by myself, by my feelings and all...
hmm.. life is long and tedious...
and things never work out e way u want them too
but with God around, miracles do happen...
plan-etary magic is all about Him, for us, his plan.
crumbs, pieces loaves....
its the small things that matter the most, that build up into little pieces, and finally they make full loaves...
what makes someone a friend, someone more than a friend, and someone an enemy....
i haven't really figured that out yet...
what is it? as i talk to so many, i think..
its not about whose company is fun and all....
i think its who i matter most to.
life lis long and tedious....
it is.. and it'll always be
but for now..
love is in the air!

to e future girl of my life
if you're not the one, then why does my soul feel glad today?
if you're not the one, then why does my hand fit yours this way...
if you're not mine then why does ur heart return my call.
if u're not mine, would i have the strength to stand at all?

i don't know what the future brings...

i need reciprocation one day.


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