my mail... courage huh.
i had some thoughts today that came up to me....> like some ideas.> > 1. we should have overview the week following the> lesson, rather than before > the lesson, it should be shorter. while we are not> kids anymore, its pretty > dry to listen to someone go through what u're going> to do for bible study > later. Thoughts get lost during the overview, and> like it doens't get > brought up because people all think during the> overview, and when group time > starts, the thought has long passed by. you'll also> be listening to a lot of > things over again. It also drags YAG time> unnecessarily. Idea number 1. > change it into a recap. someone told me we usually> end up talking about > different issues in our different groups, so yup be> gd to listen to issues > other groups talk about and see if we can pick up> something. it'll be kept a > lot shorter, and there is no overlapping of what u> hear.> > 2. start some committees like worship committee.> With the new group coming > in, i heard they are about 30-40% of SSS. we can> make use of their talents. > also easing pressure off Cheryl. We can model> ourselves after SSS. Though we > are YAG and we run differently, but SSS has shown us> what can work with > their own methods. there is a reason why SSS worship> is so vibrant. People > that lead worship can all join the worship committee> together with musicians > or anyone else that wants to help out. Thus more> ideas, more planning, more > conviction and responsibility for each member, less> for Cheryl. Other > committees are just as feasible. Like event> committees for festive occasions > and such. Prayer committee, evangelism committee,> etc. etc. etc. Okay but > there are other points to consider which i have also> thought out. So hear me > out.> > 3. People are not free. YAG people are generally> quite busy, especially > those that go to university and all. When they're> free they usually come, > other than that, its kinda hard to find them when u> need them. YAG is also > basically too small. There's also a lack of> initiative, and a lack of heart > for YAG. Not many ideas how to solve this besides...> 1. we could get > everyone more involved.... how? not very sure. Shall> think about it more. > maybe the committee thing might help.> > 4. Groups don't really need leaders, they need> mentors. They should start > discussions by themselves, and pick it up. They> should not rely on leaders > to provide thought provoking questions, or issues.> The mentors should just > be there to make sure they do not interpret the> bible wrongly, or have > "incorrect" understanding of the bible or use wrong> principles or think in > an incorrect logic pathway. We are too old to be> spoon-fed. The YAG people > should not be expecting to go to class and listen> and pick up things from > their leaders. Or like going with the mindset. that> "yes" i know that. They > should be going to the group, with their own> questions in mind about the > theme, about the book we're reading, and bring it up> with the mentors > providing guidance but with them actually discussing> the issue... not sure > if this would work. Thoughts? i'm open to criticism,> just an idea. !. > Because i'm not sure how we going to decide what to> bible study on. The > group themselves? 2. Will the people actually do it?> i think the people in > my group are too afraid of saying something radical,> shocking, or wrong, > that they keep quiet and just usually agree and> agree and agree and agree. A > lot of people are like that, maybe like alpha we> should encourage like > facilitation instead of leading, and the mentors or> leaders instead take up > a facilitation role instead of "leading. " i think> people feel old enough > and like ya they all wanna lead, rather than follow.> again this ties in with > my point about getting everyone more involved.> > 5. Encourage Retreats, like in ur own groups, liek> what my sister's class > had to Bintan. Think that would be great. Can be> someone's house, but like > encourage it. Think it'll be good for bonding.> > 6. We also need more YAG events like for example in> JSS, we celebrate full > attendance day, children's day. We need celebrations> and not just dinners > and lunches. e.g. for christmas! we can have a YAG> group thing and go to > orchard and see the lights and take in the festive> spirit! i remember the > time we had this lantern festival thing at Jasmine's> house where we all ate > moon cakes and carried lanterns! We set up> committees for these. i'm sure > there are people withe nough heart. its just that> alone, its not enough > conviction, they need support from their peers. and> the time and energy too.> > 7. A point about myself, not sure if i want to lead> as well, still thinking > and praying about it. I'm still young, and i have my> little inadequacies and > my own downfalls. but i pick myself up. but. think> being a leader in YAG has > so much responsibility, and it wears each and> everyone of us down a lot. i > feel weary. and today mark mentioned something to> me. that i still have a > spark in me, haha but i feel that spark dying down> also. I have my ways of > keeping that spark up but its definitely not YAG> thats helping... guess YAG > has helped me realise my own inadequacies and my own> mistakes; which i am > currently learning from. I err a lot in being a> leader, and perhaps i > certainly view myself learning a lot from janis in> being one. Its been a > great experience for me. i just dun see myself as> the finished article. thus > i would certainly want another more experienced> person around! like janis! > but she's leaving. and i'm quite sad about that.> think many are.> > 8. i think YAG needs a certain kind of revamp. But i> can't place the > thought. Its just that i think we have a lot of> potential coming in, in the > new year. And perhaps its a good time for a revival.> Its time to really do > something about it, since we can.> > -Matthias...> My bunch of ideas and thoughts. Conviction? Perhaps.> Logic? Not Sure. Heart > for YAG? i have it.
in short. we need unity. we need people to feel a sense of belonging to the church and YAG, we need people to feel for others, and feel for GOD. We need to analyse and try to improve YAG and let and help it to grow. Then its members will grow as well. I have a vision for YAG, anyone else willing to share that vision? a united YAG with the enthusiasm for the group, for people and for God and His Word. One that builds up and encourages its members and those whom are new and which draws many more into God's kingdom, into God's love, into their own relationship with him.
Tell me i'm not grumbling, because i really aren't. i just committing myself to Him.
in short. we need unity. we need people to feel a sense of belonging to the church and YAG, we need people to feel for others, and feel for GOD. We need to analyse and try to improve YAG and let and help it to grow. Then its members will grow as well. I have a vision for YAG, anyone else willing to share that vision? a united YAG with the enthusiasm for the group, for people and for God and His Word. One that builds up and encourages its members and those whom are new and which draws many more into God's kingdom, into God's love, into their own relationship with him.
Tell me i'm not grumbling, because i really aren't. i just committing myself to Him.
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