u plan-etary magic: challenge huh!

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Saturday, October 22, 2005

challenge huh!

Instructions of the tag: Given a topic, you are to write down your answers in your blog, and then send the same topic to 5 other people. Write down the names of these 5 people and link to them on your blog. Go visit their blogs to notify them that they are tagged. The 5 people who are tagged should, in their own blogs, write down the name and the link of the person who tagged them, answer the same topic, and send it to another 5 people, etc.The topic: Your 5 Quirks!
1. My number one quirk is that i always wanted a younger sister.
2. My number 2 quirk is that i'm really addicted to durian, if i get cravings for any food, it has to be that one smelly fruit. i'm even willing to drive to Johor just to buy them.
3. My number 3 quirk is that if i've got something to say, i'll definitely say it.
4. my number 4 quirk is that i see girls as much better friends than guys though i am a guy.
5. my number 5 quirk is that i like thinking of my car as an ecosystem, like a jungle for soft toys.

5 people...

1. sylvia tee... haha me bestest friend ever. and also as quirky as ever; she has this on her blog already -> 5 things you should not attempt to do when your head is under siege by a throbbing headache
2. glam princess's blog. who like is really ultimate tai-tai wannabe. lives like a princess, is a princess.
3. guess it has to be the poameister. his name says enough. i'll let him elaborate more abt himself.
4. my pri 5 student's blog. like u know a pri 5? haha no pri 5 from my generation ever blogged when they were pri5.
5. russell's blog. like... a guy that games. wanna read abt gaming?


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