u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006

Day 07 15th December 06 Friday

Also known as GAW 06 External Drive Day 1
And i'm not manning any booth! i'm manning my house. Been putting myself to good use and answering phone calls of all the donors though!
So today, "wish cell" people will be staying over at my house... We'll be counting gifts.
Apparently, i'm not the only one that feels what i feel about GAW....
In fact, i think.. there's differing perspectives up there... among the upper tier.
which explains a lot... why i'm feeling this way too!
the after effects of what goes up among the higher echelons of our GAW Command Structure.
it all just filters down somehow.
haha.. oh well =) we're all grown up now, we can work together even despite differing views.
Just need everyone to grow up so we don't have all this cropping up again.

On another note,
I think i seem kind of happy...
Well.. thats because its Day 07 already!
And well... Day 09 is reaching.. and i'm looking forward to that day so much.....
i'm getting excited, like a little kid.....
i'm smiling more and more each day...
time seems to be passing faster...

If i could metaphorise it....

Its like a tunnel, at the start of your tunnel, in darkness, u see the little light at the end of the tunnel.. It seems so far away... As you near the end of the tunnel, the light gets so much brighter, and bigger... and you feel its so reachable. And soon you'll be out of the darkness again.... basking in the warm sunlight... =) i do miss the sunlight so much...

Coming to the end of Day 07.....
Its almost Day 08!
*j-o-y and its down in my heart... deep deep down in my heart*

"When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's "all as it should be"
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing Your pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in Lord
Still I will say..

Blesed be the name of the Lord"

Pray without ceasing.- 1 Thessalonians 5:17


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