u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

my exam dates (AKA my prayer list for the exams)

25th November 2006 EG1108 Electrical Engineering
1. Pray that i won't get confused by concepts i'm not sure about.
2. I tend to panic, pray for steadiness
3. Pray for meticulous derivation of the different circuits
4. Pray that i can remember all my formulas.

27th November 2006 MA1505 Mathematics
1. Pray that i can tell what the question is asking for
2. Pray that i'll be confident when writing down answers.
3. Pray that i'll be able to see the way to get to the solution.
4. Pray that i will not be complacent nor careless.
5. Pray for my friends taking this exam too.

28th November 2006 EC1301 Principles of Economics
1. Pray that i can remember my facts and concepts
2. Pray that i will not be caught in 2 minds (caught between 2 answers) like the last time.
3. Pray that i'll be steady and sure.

29th November 2006 CM1502 Chemical Engineering and Principles
1. Pray that i can grasp all my concepts and learn how to apply them.
2. Pray that i know what i'm learning, and that i won't get frustrated.
3. Pray for speed during the test, its usually quite rush.

1st December 2006 PC1431 Physics I
1. Pray that i can master my physics tecniques, integration, deriving forces, etc.
2. Pray that i can fully understand dynamic rotation of rigid bodies and learn how to apply them.
3. Pray that i won't be careless while deriving forces.
4. Pray that i can remember my formulas too.

2nd December 2006 CS1101C Programming in C
1. Pray that i'll be able to see all their sneaky tricks they use during their exams.
2. Pray that i'll understand how to use my structures properly
3. Pray that i won't be complacent.
4. Pray that i'll be steady.

Pray for my friends during their exams. =)
For all the same things that i've prayed for myself.
Pray that i won't forget to pray for my friends.
I also pray for my non-christian friends too....
I pray that they might see God's glory during this period of time.

and matt *presents* his exam timetable! aka prayer list for the next 2 weeks.

I also need to add that to pray for satisfaction and appreciation from myself.
To be happy for whatever i have, and not for whatever i want to get.


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