u plan-etary magic: deja vu

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

deja vu

they always say deja vu... deja vu.....
is it really deja vu?
can we explain,
or do we just see it?
that once in a lifetime, deja vu.

warmer than the warmest sunshine
softer than a sigh
deeper than the deepest ocean
wider than the sky
brighter than the brightest star
that shines every night above
and there is nothing in this world...
that could ever change it.

Guess at this moment in time,
it just seems like a butterfly passes every morning.
flutters here, and flutters away.
and the next day, the cycle repeats itself again.
when days become just a deja vu,
what meaning does it have?


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