u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

sometimes =) when u're happy! u've so much joy u just wanna share it with others.

today. my sec4 form teacher. mrs felicia yeo appeared from out of nowhere, at the back of my lecture hall!
Her hubby is MR YEO YE! my physics lecturer....
its been a few months since i saw her. she's such a great teacher that i never did appreciate till now....
just remember every month, there'll be a birthday cake prepared for all us birthday boys.
just remember the day she brought e class over to visit me in hospital.
really i owe her a lot.
today.. well i just poured out my entire uni life to her....
a gd person with a gd heart. i can place a lot of trust in her.
after exchanging formalities, updating her about my various classmates,
she told me about her uni days
how she waited a year for her husband.... (both from TJC) to come into uni,
before they started on their major together.
how they studied together everyday till 10pm in the library....
before they both went on to teach....
i can only smile when i hear that... and truly feel the sweetness in e air when she says it all.
truly love and practicality can co-exist in such harmony.
she now has a kid... taking e exact same path i did in terms of education.

i guess... i'm just left standing there dreaming now....................
just dreaming...


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