u plan-etary magic: God's love for me... Praise Him

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

God's love for me... Praise Him

you know....
i think i'm getting happier where i'm at right now....
with all the tests coming... while that competitive streak in me... added to those high ambitions to be among the best..... (blame it all on what they told me when i was younger.. u're the top 0.5% of your cohort) -So not true. Maybe then, not now... i guess i did study quite a bit even in primary school, or i wouldn't be able to scale those heights i once did... i still retain a little bit of it though......-
But now... its not about doing well, its not about getting full marks or reaching the top 20 or even top 50... well....perhaps i do sometimes fall into that trap...
But i really don't think i might be able to reach that good grades... i guess i never ever reach my fullest potential with regards to academics.. its a must, a definite must to study hard.. do as well as we can. but i guess... just trying to wringle every single drop of sweat from me is a little bit too extreme... but yet others do that.. and perhaps, me just being me, might not reach those heights... i guess.. reaching those heights have proved to be hazardous for me... that its one of my weaknesses that i might get carried away with pride... and sometimes i feel he shields me from it so carefully. i should just be thankful and be happy for what i have and what i can achieve too... yet never forget how i should live my life. that really.. God's plan for each and everyone of us is not to be the best academically... surely we should all try to do our best, but yet without forgetting ourselves.
and perhaps i feel that i have been a little guilty of that lately.. really forgetting myself and letting the whole academic arena and my own pride overwhelm me... that sometimes i might attribute it to my own hard work, or to my own abilities... when that is perhaps the biggest lie i can ever tell myself and i guess its really disappointing when that happens. yet... God always leads me back to the right path. and i can continue to trust him on that... today was a real mind opener.. =)
I remember something i once said many years back... when my life really changed through really knowing and experiencing him.. i trust god with all my heart.. that he'll "Never let me fall too deep, that i might know something after being in it, but yet to never fall into it" And through the years, its such a blessing to know, something i'm so thankful for is that... he'll never let me make a mistake too grave, he does shield me from hurt and pain, and yet he always reminds me of who i am, and what i'm meant to be... he always throws the lifesaver out to me... and reels me back in...
i'm not the best student, perhaps never... and i'm happy to be what i am. That i can follow him in my own manner. being who i am for him in so many other ways. he'll never let me fall... and i know i can be thankful for all that i have.. at every single moment... and just know its all from Him
Praise Him. We always thank him, we always ask him... yet how much do we really tell ourselves he's really such an Almighty, Great and Wonderful Father.


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