u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

it takes a crane to build a crane..
it takes 2 floors to make a storey....

it takes a thought to make a word
and it takes some words to make an action

And today.. the phrase that i found most meaningful to me was...
"maybe you did something special that you didn't realise"
and i really wonder... like what did it take... what did i do.. what could i have done?
that things became so special.. that things turned out the way it did....

What could i have done since young, what could i have done in my life?
that through all the emotional scars, the pain, the joy, the rocky boat, the experiences, the adrenaline rushes.....that i become what i am?
that i deserve what i have?
that my life story is especially unique... and i have such an overwhelming story to tell everyone...
that i am so different from everyone else, just like you are.

and this is singapore dreaming in my eyes... my own life story...
that when i was young, i experienced such great joy and fun i cannot remember, yet retain... in the hope that one day i might relive it, and know that i've been there.
and as i grew older, i've learn so much through all the dares i've dared myself to do...
catching a wild dog, crickets, running after my rabbit, tying ribbons to chameleons, taking care of a pidgeon, grooming a butterfly.. the list does not end... and i thank God.
that even in all my dreams.... of being an archaeologist, or an explorer.. that i've slowly given up my dreams... just with the goal to survive and make the best of my life in this society.... thats the practical side of Singapore.... and even as i walk into my engineering lecture hall, i know i am not following my dream... but yet... this is where i'm meant to be.

they always say, its where God puts you....

"i want you to have the best"


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