u plan-etary magic: -why i think-

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

-why i think-

Steve IRwin...
Well i guess there's no other reason.. rather than it was his time to go, and perhaps people around the world might learn a lot from it, as he'll be remembered by so many around today.
its pretty coincidental for a bull ray to suddenly swish his tail and catch him in the heart..
as an environmental engineer.. i can't help but be sad as well... its true that i watch his shows, mostly on Arts Central... or sometimes on discovery... and he's a great man.. and his daughter confirms it.

Today.. is probably and will be a good day.
I'm looking forward to it...

I have a checklist of fears and perhaps its a good time, this morning to collate it.
Fear of God, Check. I'm really at his mercy. Fear of insects and animals. Nope. Fear of Death. Nope. Fear of water and such. Nope. Fear of broken dreams. Perhaps. Fear of Rejection. Depends. Fear of Losing Something. Yes. Fear of man. Nope. Fear to love. Nope. And the list goes on...

So judging by all that, i'm probably 50% away from becoming a perfectly God-fearing person. Thats a long way to go. But perhaps after 21 years, its not a bad achievement after all.
Then again..... Okay its not important because u can't quantify many things. Only you yourself know where u are...
People might misunderstand you. people might read you wrongly. After all, what you show is not what you are sometimes... Example. The most egoistical guy might be the most insecure inside. Then again, we never really know.
We just take what we see.
And perhaps i'm fond of seeing those little special things in people.. which i consistentally do, and really just be happy that almost everyone has that little bit of goodness and kindness inside them.

Judge not! okay lets emphasise that point today. because its very important. Just this morning i hear my mum saying "just make something up." And i kinda lose respect in that sense for her. Golly, thats lying in a way. It just discredits you sometimes. as a christian, though i know she didn't mean it. i kinda feel a burning desire to correct her. Though its true that one action may speak a thousand words, we never really know. and can we put ourselves in that exact same situation and say we won't do the same?
We can never truly see what is going on around us.

A church childhood friend of mine told me she's in a indifferent stage of her life now. And i'm telling myself.... and asking God... just wondering why people make the choices they do.
We can never truly see what is going on around us, and thus we can never truly understand what is in each person around us....
choices.... why can't everyone make the right choice
and its only when we look back at all we have done, and we realise how much more sensible and right we could have been.
Perfection of Choice. That is the basis of what enthuses me these days.

" I compare human life to a large Mansion of Many Apartments, two of which I can only describe, the doors of the rest being as yet shut upon me - The first we step into we call the infant or thoughtless Chamber, in which we remain as long as we do not think - We remain there a long while, and notwithstanding the doors of the second Chamber remain wide open, showing a bright appearance, we care not to hasten to it; but are at length imperceptibly impelled by awakening of the thinking principle - within us - we no sooner get into the second Chamber, which I shall call the Chamber of Maiden-Thought, than we become intoxicated with the light and the atmosphere, we see nothing but pleasant wonders, and think of delaying there for ever in delight."

by John Keats

-why i think-


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