u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Friday, July 21, 2006

hmm... i shall quote from my friend's blog.... meaningful stuff!

love is when someone snaps at you but you know that she does not mean it, so you restrain from snapping back.
love is approaching that guy no one wants to talk to because he only talks about weird stuffs. love is when that girl is such a capable all-rounder and you choose to appreciate her for being just that, although you know that there are faults you want to point out in her(out of envy).
love is being sensitive to know your friend might feel inferior if you talk about certain things, so you change the conversation topic.
love is mixing with the uncool group of people, even if it means the normal group will label you an outcast.
love is listening to that person even when you feel he/she has no right to order you around.
love is doing something to make another's life a little more enjoyable, even when you don't feel like doing it.
love is not pulling a face of moodiness/discontentment in front of others because you know that it is going to affect their dispositions too.
love is remembering that he may be wrong because of one mistake he made, but doesn't mean you are going to penalise him by avoiding him in all other matters or in another situation/circumstance.
love is trying your best to do the right thing even when you don't feel up to it, but you do it anyway because it will help make the world a little brighter and easier for someone else.

WOW right. i think u get inspired when people u know think this way.
-respect, respect-

i have to say... there's the sunshine after the rain!

i feel like a pot of gold.


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