u plan-etary magic: church of God.

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Saturday, July 15, 2006

church of God.

its sunday! =) sunday always cheers me up..
a day of refreshing...

today.. an elder of my church came forth to various ministries in the church to convey to us the plans the elders board has for the next 3 months.. and it was really heartwarming to see that they have taken so much time to formulate such a well detailed plan to bring 1. the church together and bond them even more strongly 2. more faces into the church. To be its Operation Mobilisation of Evangelistic People. Well, everyone has to play a part. its nice to see unity spread through the church, as he used the phrase "resonate" with one another.
i might be a little skeptical though, having gone through tough periods with my youth ministry, struggling to keep enthusiasm levels, struggling to get participation from its members, or just struggling to lead bible study or just encouraging people to talk and share about themselves or their lives... struggling with people's opinions, struggling with disunity and disagreements. and as we enter this new phase... perhaps my fire is burning a little too low on fuel, its flickering...
i'm jaded, and i need time out to recover from the burnout. perhaps this plan is not the plan for me... perhaps when i am needed once again, God will call me into action... but this is a little too soon. the heart is wreary.. even though the soul is willing. i therefore would like to call forth my fellow brothers and sisters of bfec to really, heed the call and go forth and lead... take charge, and feel convicted to lead our church on to the next stage of its growth. i'm passing the baton to all of you... take it, and continue the race. when i am ready.. when God calls me for his purpose among the youths again, i'll be back... for now... i have a ministry in the form of JSS... where i must place all effort and spirit into grooming, teaching, nurturing these young spirits... these little hearts that call out to God... =)
we loved because he first loved us. God uses us in many different ways, lets all be his tools he uses to make his great plan complete.

=) i'm all smiles now... well... that we're always one step closer to achieving his purpose for us.
even though, perhaps in my life right now.. things i might so look forward to might evade me, or well.. wishes and dreams have yet to come true... i can take heart from the fact that it is all according to plan. one day... true happiness and true love will find me, and i will never reject them.

= we must prepare ourselves to receive the ark =


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