u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

NDP... we got free transparent umbrellas, exclusive to those who sat in the top 3 rows of the stadium. that was because we sat right at the top... right next to the fireworks. and was it awesome.. we had brillant views, not just of the stadium, but of the fireworks itself. we could feel the ash raining down on us, smell the smoke, watch them explode from beneath our feet.. while we were all trying to hide under those transparent umbrellas and shoot videos/take photos at the same time.
it was really a great experience... the company was great. Ally, Addy and Reynard.
there was always something to talk about.. well thats cos ally is just so chatty =) haha.. ya..! but we had a lot of fun just making the noise...
i'll post photos soon.....

i guess today.. it just scares me how people i know might just drift out of ur life so easily... today i saw yvonne at NDP. what a coincidence and we shared a really nice photo between us. ya... she was sitting 3 rows down. just remember how we were so close during CSC camp. but just drifted after that.. just like most of my other group members in CSC. then there's Ally, who might be leaving for NTU accountancy soon, and well... why can't just things last forever....? why can't everything last forever.. i guess i'm in a slightly skeptical mood right now. why can't things always have a happy ending?

goes back to my dreamy persona... and well...
despite our living in this world, we can always dream, we can always hope.. for dreams to come true.
isn't that wat its always like for me...


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