u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

knowing too much is tough...
it changes everything, changes the naive, innocent way you look at everything
it gives u insight, perhaps wisdom when u decipher different things that you see and hear
knowing too little on the other hand, always gives u a feeling of curiousity..
that something is amiss, but something is also missing from the picture
so where thus lies the balace in which we should know everything..?
can we simply put down everything into what we see and feel, and ignore everything else that goes on around... within the shadows and the darkness of everything happening under the light?
people change, and we grow as we develop into the situations and instances that we come across.. experiences definitely do change us, jsut as our decisions mould our lives...
but when can we truly be right...? when can i say that...
YES... i do not regret a single decision i've made.. i do not look back at everything that have happened and know that yes.. admist all the changes, my life has turned out perfect... it is such a thin fine line. every single minute, every single day... i question the decisions i've made in my life, and whether they were right for me... and how can i say i have the faith that assures me of my future?! when i contemplate every single move i've made... i feel disappointed with myself... always and forever.. but at the end of the day.. i too know, that life has to move on.. and on to the next part of God's plan for me... i learn as i age, i grow as i experience... i mature as i live on...
when is life an open book, until u have successfully lived ur life over once, forseeing every single experience happen once before. and know exactly how its going to happen all over again. life is a struggle, we live through it, not knowing what happens next. but knowing that we can always pick ourselves up after we fall down.
i miss simpleness... but are we ever that? perhaps if we never fell.. if we never succumbed.


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