u plan-etary magic

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

i'm sitting in school, waiting to go to Chen Su Lan Methodist Home.
Really, today has passed by in a flash....
In the morning, well Econs lecturer, my fellow church member, Roland Cheo really is a great lecturer... he brings across his bubbly side so effectively, his enthusiasm just consumes the LT!
then it was back to studying... i got my lab... slot. lab 34. which is gd, on the same time and day as the rest of them.... at least. =) things never get too bad around here.

guess everyone is starting to feel school and the stress it brings.
i feel it too, though probably not as bad as many others.
After the REALLY REALLY long break of about 2.5 years.. really, i'm more than happy to get back to studying.
Army really invokes discipline into you.... that though matter how slack you get, there's always work to be done... and it gets easier to set aside a little time for it, every single day.
Juggling everything isn't easy, especially making time for ample rest each and every day.
But ultimately, i will...
its like how you always take time to settle into things, and once u do, things become a lot less stressful, and you cope with the quickened rhythm of things, and the extra workload. We all need to adjust and adapt... into our natural pace of things. i'm still trying to.

I just wish...
if i could be granted one wish...
that it'd be for you!

on Sunday, one of my best friends is leaving for canada... and how much am i going to miss her...
i'd feel the void she'd leave while she's there...

what is true friendship...?
"keeping each other in your heart"
"growing seperately, without growing apart"
"knowing someone will be there for you"
"someone thats true to you, and never afraid to look stupid in font of you"
"trust, understanding and love"
"someone that knows you really well"
and last but not least...
"someone who understand my sorrows, shares my joy,
withstand my whines, and appreciate my laughter. "

Where else would my heart be, but in my hand....
so i could give it to you.

smile. cos it makes me happy.


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