u plan-etary magic: one night in chiangmai

plan-etary magic

crumbs, pieces, loaves.... perhaps perhaps

Location: Singapore

6th December 2006

Sunday, April 30, 2006

one night in chiangmai

one night in chiangmai...
in all general truth, i had a really great time in chiangmai... =)
i met really good and nice people.. though i really wonder sometimes, and always how our relationship holds as we all walk down different paths....
for all the people i've met, no one will probably tread the same path i've taken.
perhaps we might lose touch, perhaps we might grow stronger each day..
its always perhaps, perhaps....
e motto of my life.
As i walk down the night bazaar, its been fun shopping with the different people.
i am socially drained as i struggle to fit myself in....
sometimes i wonder why i really went on the trip. did i fulfill my objectives? did i learn a thing or two? perhaps God used this trip as a real reminder for me always...
to trust and obey.
things surprise me all the time, as i continue to learn how i cannot just keep trusting my feelings alone.. -hence the blog title-
at this moment, i just wonder and marvel and the night sky... how its so different over here from there in chiangmai. the soothing stillness and clarity of the dark blue yonder. its calms my heart down.. back into the arms of the dingbats, and some of my church friends...
today i remember times and memories...both good and bad. here's another to add to its collection. but.... with all things gone by....
u always have to pray. u pray for the less fortunate, u pray for yourself, you pray for others.. u pray for the rain, and perhaps for journey mercies..... and one day all these prayers will be answered. one day u'll know that whilst life has never been perfect, it will one day be perfect....just for you.
one night in chiangmai, e noisy eateries, e ladyboys, uncle kitti, cha-wuuuuu, riding elephants and rafting the high seas.... what wonderful memories. i miss them already.
one night in chiangmai, e room checks, e solemn briefings....
one night in chiangmai, e fun, e laughter, e days gone by....
i've got so much to bring back from all of it, especially from friends i've found.
but, i'm a wanderer... and a wonderer.... and i'll continue to think... "perhaps, perhaps" what if i made a different choice.
to shawna, lee mey, ben, victoria, auggie, zong jie, jon liu. i say a thank you.
i did not realise something to be thankful for while writing this, yet i realise it now....
that is thank you for bringing down to wall....
and for erecting that pillar.
pillar of friendship, and that one and beloved circle of trust.


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